Exercise in the 1st trimester can be daunting. If you were/are plagued with nausea and vomiting, fatigue and any other unpleasant 1st ( and sometimes 2nd) trimester complaints, it can be very difficult to convince yourself to workout. If this is something you are struggling with, give yourself some grace. Listen to your body and do the best you can.
It is important to know that you can continue the same exercise routine that you were doing prior to pregnancy. *If you have an increased risk of miscarriage or preterm birth then you will need to modify your exercise regimen. Please check with your pregnancy provider to see if you fall into this category.*
If you were not regularly exercising before pregnancy here are some ideas for starting up.
You should be exercising at least 3-5 days a week for at least 30-45 minutes at a minimum.
MIDWIFE TIP #1: SQUATS SQUATS SQUATS!!!! I cannot emphasize enough how important squats are. If you do not exercise at all during your pregnancy, please do squats!
How to squat: There are many types of squats that you can do from deep squats to mini squats while holding onto a secure object like (sturdy) door handles. Make sure you sit your bottom way back to avoid the knees from jetting out past your toes. It is helpful to do your squats in front of a mirror so you can visualize your body and ensure your knees are not coming too far forward, past your toes. Any and all squats are beneficial!
MamaSprout subscribers can check out the videos section in your private portal for how to’s and different squat techniques.